Geography-Based (Atlas) Maps

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - General Travellers Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - Travellers Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - General Travellers Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - Travellers Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - General Travellers Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - Travellers Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas
Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)

Geography-Based (Atlas) Maps

Geography-Based (Atlas) Maps

Geographic ‘space’ is one of the fundamental concepts that we humans have invented for making sense of, and mentally & physically structuring, our world and everything in it. Indeed for over 2,000 years we have been perfecting the art & science of cartography to record what things of particular types exist where within a defined space, both for ourselves and so we can easily communicate it to others.

Our atlas knowledge maps provide an alternative visual framework to ‘traditional’ geographic maps for visually recording & communicating what ‘geographically defined things’ of a particular type exist in the real world, and the relationships between them – be they at global, international, national or local level.  However they also serve as both an index of, and a virtual portal to, all the definitive / official / plain old useful knowledge resources that currently exist about these ‘things’ in the public domain, and so can be freely accessed with a couple of mouse clicks.

With potentially 1000’s of branches – each of which can have multiple attached hypelinks & tags, or embedded images and data elements – they are information rich, visually engaging, intuitive to navigate, and retain the ‘big picture’ context. They are also more versatile and much easier to adapt & share ‘on the hoof’.

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NOTE: We’re currently rebuilding our knowledge map store and upgrading the contents to take advantage of advances in MindManager capabilities. Knowledge maps in each category / sub-category will appear in due course.

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Are you all sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…

Explore our Atlas Map Categories and Featured Map below. New to our knowledge maps? Explore our Map Guide to find out about the anatomy of the different map elements and how once they are combined they are more than the sum of the parts, the 2 different file formats, using HTML maps for beginners, the user benefits of our maps and the background of how we came to create them and offer them to the world in this Map Store 🙂


Countries Of The World - Base Atlas

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas

Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps.

Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas

Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas

As per the Base Atlas plus collections of sub-branches with single links to official / definitive / plain old useful General and Geographic knowledge resources about each ISO3166-1 country of the world.

Countries Of The World - International Travellers Knowledge Atlas

Countries Of The World - International Travellers Knowledge Atlas

Similar to the General Atlas but with a single sub-branch collection of links to official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources for international travellers to each ISO3166-1 country of the world.

Countries Of The World - International Travellers Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)

Countries Of The World - International Travellers Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)

As per the International Travellers Atlas but with an additional sub-collection of links to official knowledge resources created specifically for GB (United Kingdom) citizens / organisations.

Countries Of The World - International Trade, Aid & Development Knowledge Atlas

Countries Of The World -International Trade, Aid & Development Knowledge Atlas

Similar to the General Atlas but with a single sub-branch collection of links to official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources about international trade, aid & development in each ISO3166-1 country of the world.

Countries Of The World - Trade & Development Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)

Countries Of The World - International Trade, Aid & Development Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)

As per the International Trade, Aid & Development Atlas but with an additional sub-collection of links to official knowledge resources created specifically for GB (United Kingdom) citizens / organisations.
As well as the definitive list of 'building blocks' of our world, our knowledge maps are a visually structured portal to all the official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources to be found about them in the public domain. All in a single shareable HTML file, viewable by anybody on any device with a browser. Not bad, ken?
Angus McDonald
Scotland The Map Project Director and Knowledge Mappers Founder & CEO
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Featured Resource

Countries of the World - General & Geographic Atlas


Our Countries of the World – General & Geographic Atlas builds on the knowledge framework provided by our ISO3166-1 Countries Of The World – Base Atlas through the addition of collections of sub-branches off of the country seed branch, each with a single hyperlink to official / definitive / plain old useful General or Geographic knowledge resources about it found in the public domian…

General Knowledge Resource Link Collection – This includes the country’s page(s) for BBC News, CIA World Fact Book & World Leaders & Cabinet Members Directory, ISO Online Portal, Wikipedia Category & Main Article, Portal & Outline, and those produced by the United Nations Staistics Division.

Geographic Knowledge Resource Link Collection – This includes online mapping services like Google Maps and Open Street Map (with a summary of all available services on GeoHack), static map libraries from the United Nations Geospatial Division & agencies (eg. UNITAR) and WikiMedia Commons Atlas of the World, as well as the Wikipedia Geography Sub-Category & Main Article.

A selection of the most fundamental / useful of these general & geographic links (ie. not all) are the ones that have been attached to the country seed branches themselves to create – alongside those for the UN defined Macro Geographical (Continental) Regions And Sub-Regions – the ‘bigger picture’ visual framework that is the atlas basemap for all our ‘countries of the world’ knowledg maps.

This map is the ideal starting point for ‘thumb & brain friendly’ desktop (or even ‘in the field’) research for anyone with an interest in specific countries of the world.

MindManager Users – As well as ‘full featured viewing and interactive querying & filtering, you are free to edit, add to, adapt and/or re-purpose this map in whole or in part, and/or use it as a source of content that can be added to your own existing maps. For example…

  • Copy and paste a ‘GEO’ tag group to an existing map, assign to branches as appropriate, and interactively filter using your new found ‘geo-intelligence’ 😉
  • Tag team members to specific Region / Country branches to create a virtual sales / operational territory map with built-in links to the world’s best public domain general and geographic knowledge resources (or physically re-arrange the regions / countries to form the territories).

Explore the product tabs for comprehensive descriptions of the knowledge seed branches and knowledge link collections that make up this knowledge atlas map, as well as view / download a sample map in MindManager (.mmap) or HTML5 (.html) format. ….

You can buy the latest edition of the Countries of the World Base Atlas Map on it’s own, or bundled with the other  Knowledge Atlases which are based on it, below. Looking for other atlas knowledge map combinations? Browse the ‘Related Maps’ tab on the map product page.

Price: £999.99

May also be available as part of one or more product bundles


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