Knowledge Mappers is a digital mapping consultancy & publishing company with a unique mix of geographic & knowledge mapping expertise. Our ground-breaking products & services visually connect individuals, teams, organisations & communities with the knowledge resources that they need… to do what they need to do… quicker, easier, and with a lot less stress :-)
Professionally crafted & curated knowledge maps of real world & conceptual ‘spaces’ of human interest & endeavour. Like all maps, they are visually structured registers of the ‘things’ that define the ‘space’, and the ‘spatial’ relationships between them. But they are also registers of – and portals to – official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ knowledge resources about those ‘things’ available in the public domain. Maps can be downloaded in both original MindManager (.mmap) and HTML5 format, and so can be viewed in any browser, on any device, without the need for adtitonal plugins.
The School Travel Health Check (STHC) Spatial Analysis Service is an example of a GI consultancy project for one local authority in 2004 that soon “grew arms and legs” to become a ground-breaking, nationally available service. It provides high quality, spatial intelligence to local authorities, school communities and other stakeholders interested in how children travel to school, from where, and how far they travel to get there.
Time – or rather the measurement of the passing of it – is another of the fundamental constructs us humans use to make sense of our world and organise what we do in it. The calendar / diary is the fundamental tool we have invented to break time down into human-sized, hierarchical chunks – years, months, days, hours & minutes – within which the different aspects of our indivdual & collective lives can be planned, scheduled, recorded & managed.
Our range of calendar knowledge maps of generic, past, present and future years provide – with or without sub-branches for 500+ annually recurring, internationally (and nationally) significant events complete with multiple links to public domain knowledge resources about them – provide the alternative visual framework to help users keep track of, and manage, their own time, and create time lines for planning the future or archiving the past (down to the nearest second if you wish)! Think of the usefullness of your existing calendar with the added versatility of a MindManger map that enables you to add your own ‘events’ “on the hoof” along with links to documents and knowledge resources.
Watch our walk-through video of a previous version of our calendar to give you an idea of what our calendar maps are about. .
Watch our walk-through video of a previous version of our calendar to give you an idea of what our calendar maps are about.
Our General International Annual Calendar maps build on the visual knowledge framework of the Annual Base Calendar for the specific year in the Gregorian (‘Western’) calendar through the addition over 500 international, publicly significant diary events as knowledge seed sub-branches off of the relevant day of the year branch.
Annually recurring events included in the map cover astronomical events (eg. phases of the moon), religious observances for the world’s major religeons, official United Nations Observances, and the national days of every official ISO3166-1 country in the world. Events may occur on a fixed calendar date each year (eg. ‘Jan 1’), or move relative to day of the week (eg. ‘1st monday in June’), or be determined by the heavens (eg. seasonal equinoxes & solstices).
All the seed branches have a rich range of visual knowledge elements embedded within, or attached to, them – such as unique icon graphic, flags, ‘traditional’ monthly calendar grid (spreadsheet) for handy reference, multiple hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful online knowledge resources about the day, month or event (eg. the official event page from the organiser (if there is one), and any other useful sources (eg. there is usually a page or a sub-article on Wikipedia), and a range of time or event related marker tags that enable the map to be filtered to show only branches with those values. Together they provide a rich ‘base level’ of contextual knowledge & knowledge resource links about a specific year, not only the days and months but also the events that occured in it (see the ‘Seed Branches’ tab for a detailed description).
As well as being a versatile calendar to plan your year ahead (and become the archive index file of what happened when), this map is a knowledge portal to those regularly recurring events that shape our day to day lives as citizens of the world. We have never all mixed together as neighbours, colleagues, friends & lovers to the extent we do now in these days of globalisation, so anything that increases our mutual understanding of where we’ve all come from and where (and when) we all want to go next, can only be welcomed 🙂
MindManager Users: You are free to edit, remove or add to the calendar map as required eg. adding your own diary events to plan & keep track of your year in general, or specific projects and milestones. Once your year is over your map becomes your instantly accessible archive file for what happened when. Your ‘business year’ doesn’t start on January 1st? Mix and match main branches from different years to create your own bespoke annual calendar map.
Explore the other tabs for comprehensive descriptions of the knowledge seed branches and knowledge link collections that make up this knowledge calendar map….
Knowledge seed branches provide a ‘base level’ of contextual knowledge about the subject embedded within, or attached to, them in the form of…
All the seed branches and their associated embedded / attached contextual knowledge elements used in this map are described in detail below…
Specific Month Of The Specific Year Seed Branch
MindManager provides an unparalleled range of ‘information cartography’ functionality that enables contextual knowledge to be embedded and attached to map branches in multiple ways…
Image: Specific Month & Year Icon
A bespoke icon that uniquely identifies the specifc month of the specific year using a calendar image, which ccontains the specific year above the name of the month (abbreviated to the first 3 letters).
i) The icon was originally designed and created by us as a 48 x 48 pixel PNG file, optimised to minimize the file size (typically 2-3 KB).
Text: Specific Month & Year
Richly formatted text string of the specific month name in full and the year, eg. ‘January 2020’.
Embedded Spreadsheet: Specific Month Calendar Grid
An embedded spreadsheet (another unique MindManager feature) showing all the days of the specific month in terms of the 7 days of the week in a traditional calendar grid layout. The weekend days of saturday and sunday are differentiated by background shading.
i) This embedded feature can be hidden / shown by clicking the green toggle arrow just above the top right corner of the embedded feature.
ii) The contents of an embedded spreadsheet can be a simple table, or it can be numerical data. If the latter then if it is structured appropriately the data can also be viewed as a chart (the range of chart types is the same as other spreadsheet software). MindManger users are able to toggle between the spreadsheet and chart view, whilst the view is fixed on export of the HTML version.
Index Marker Tags & Groups: Various
Arranged in groups and attached to branches as required, index marker tags…
Given the subjectivity of how we humans divide and organise our activities around time intervals, not all the tag groups created for this map are already attached to this seed branch.
The index marker tags already attached to this seed topic are from the following groups…
TIME – Months – Year (Mon YYYY) – The specific months of the specific Gregorian Calendar year as abbreviated text and year – 12 tags from eg. ‘Jan 2019’ to ‘Dec 2019’.
TIME – Months – Year (MNN-YYYY) – The specific months of the Gregorian Calendar year as a numerical sequence – 12 tags from eg. ‘M01-2019’ to ‘M12-2019’.
These are available to the (MindManger) user to use in this (or any other) map as they see fit (note that they will not be visible in the HTML version of the map). These additional tag groups fall in to 2 categories..
‘Buisness Year’ Tags – The ‘buisness year’ of any organisation – be it commercial, charity, community group etc. – usually straddles calendar years eg. 2019/20, and, though the personal tax year usually runs from April to March, the ‘business year’ can start from any month. Thus we have also created ‘business year’ marker tag groups that contain the calendar year, in 2 formats…
TIME – Years (YYYY) – The particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘2019’, plus the year either side (3 tags in all).
TIME – Years (YYYY/YY) – The 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘2018/19’ and ‘2019’20’ (2 tags in all).
Sub-Annual Time Interval Tags – Organisations also often like to further subdivide their business year into ‘quarters’ and ‘weeks’ as well as months, all of which can be tied to the business year eg. ‘Quarter 1 of 2018/19’. We have also included tag groups for them but, as there are no coresponding branches on the map, users may want to create additional branches for them and restructure their calendar accordingly…
TIME – Quarters – YYYY (QN-YYYY) – The quarters of the particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘ Q1 2019’ (4 tags in all from Q1 YYYY to Q4 YYYY).
TIME – Quarters – YYYY/YY (QN-YYYY/YY) – The quarters of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘ Q1 2018/19’ and Q1 2019/20 (2 groups of 4 tags from Q1 YYYY/YY to Q4 YYYY/YY).
TIME – Months – YYYY/YY (Mon-YYYY/YY) – The months of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map with the month in 3 letter abbreviation format eg. ‘ Jan 2018/19’ and Jan 2019/20 (2 groups of 12 tags from Jan YYYY/YY to Dec YYYY/YY).
TIME – Months – YYYY/YY (MNN – YYYY/YY) – The months of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map with the month in numeric sequence format eg. ‘ M01 2018/19’ and M01 2019/20 (2 groups of 12 tags from M01 YYYY/YY to M12 YYYY/YY)
TIME – Weeks – YYYY (WNN-YYYY) – The weeks of the particular calendar year of the map with the weeks in numerical sequence format eg. ‘W01 2019’ (52 tags in all from W01 YYYY to W52 YYYY).
TIME – Weeks – YYYY/YY (WNN-YYYY/YY) – The weeks of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map with the month in numeric sequence format eg. ‘ W01 2018/19’ and W01 2019/20 (2 groups of 52 tags from W01 YYYY/YY to W52 YYYY/YY).
General Note(s)
i) The names of the marker tag groups are prefixed acccording to the ‘type’ of marker tags they contain..
ii) Within MindManager, tags…
Multiple Hyperlinks: Multiple
See next section for full details
Specific Month Of The Specific Year Seed Branch
One of our philosophies at KnowledgeMappers is not to reinvent the wheel whenever possible. Thus we include hyperlinks to original official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge sources whenever possible, as well as links to Wikipedia pages for additional, “bigger picture” context (often not obvious, or even absent from, the original source). By doing this…
The following knowledge resource links are attached to this seed branch (arranged in alphabetical order within the groupings)…
Internal Navigation Links
Days of the month sub-branches – The Month branch has internal hyperlinks to each day of that month sub-branch, which provides a means of quickly navigating to it.
i) Each day of the month sub-branch also has an internal hyperlink back to this month branch, so you can quickly jump back and forth between days.
ii) The ‘Dates’ and ‘Months’ index marker tags used throughout the map branches provide another means of quick internal navigation.
General Knowledge Resource Links
Wikipedia: Generic Month Article – Encyclopedia article on Wikipedia about the generic month e.g. ‘January’.
Wikipedia: Worldwide Current Events Portal for Specific Month – Encyclopedia article on Wikipedia ‘Current Events’ portal for the specific month e.g. ‘January 2019’.
General Note(s)
i) MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This…
ii) The chain icon at the end of a branch (rather than the favicon (logo icon) served by the linked-to website) indicates where a branch has more than one hyperlink.
iii) In the circular knowledge economy way of Wikipedia if there is knowledge that you could add to an existing page that is linked to, or even starting a page that doesn’t yet exist, then go for it! That’s what it’s all about!
Specific Day of the Specific Year Seed Branch
MindManager provides an unparalleled range of ‘information cartography’ functionality that enables contextual knowledge to be embedded and attached to map branches in multiple ways…
Image: Specific Date Icon
A bespoke icon that uniquely identifies the specific day of the year using a double calendar image. The left hand calendar contains the specific year above the name of the month (abbreviated to the first 3 letters), whilst the right hand one contains the day of the week (abbreviated to the first 3 letters) above the numerical day of the month (so from 1 to 31).
i) The icon was originally designed and created by us as a 96 x 48 pixel PNG file, optimised to minimize the file size (typically 2-3 KB).
Text: Specific Date
Richly formatted text string of the specific date (year, month & day of the month) and day of the week in the format eg. ‘1 Jan 2020 Wed’. The day of the week is in normal (as opposed to bold) font to improve ‘readbility’.
Branch Shading Colour: ‘Type’ of Day
Day topics are shaded according to the usual differentiation between days of the week – working (‘normal’) days and weekends – as well as public holidays.
i) Topic shading is controlled by a Smart Rule (a unique MindManager feature) triggered by the ‘TIME – Days of the week’ index marker tag – ‘Weekend Days’ are set to be topics tagged as ‘Sat’ and ‘Sun’ by default. MindManager users can easily change this rule to set weekends as any days of the week they want.
Index Marker Tags & Groups: Various
Arranged in groups and attached to branches as required, index marker tags…
Index maker tags attached to this knowledge seed branch are as follows…
TIME – Dates – YYYY (D Mon YYYY DoW) – Every date of the year in the same format as the day branch text – 365 tags from eg. ‘1 Jan 2019 Tue’ to ’31 Dec 2019 Tue’.
TIME – Dates YYYY (DD/MM/YYYY) – Every date of the specific month, for each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar year in the most commonly used numeric format – 365 tags from eg. ’01/01/2019′ to ’31/12/2019′.
TIME – Dates YYYY (MM/DD/YYYY) – Every date of the specific month, for each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar year in ‘Amercan’ style numeric format (ie. months first) – 365 tags from eg. ’01/01/2019′ to ’12/31/2019′.
TIME – Dates YYYY (YYYY/MM/DD) – Every date of the specific month, for each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar year in ‘year first’ numeric format – 365 tags from eg. ’01/01/2019′ to ’31/12/2019′.
i) This format is the only one in which the chronological order of the tags in the group will ‘survive’ a numeric sorting operation (ie. arrange ‘lowest to highest’ or ‘highest to lowest’).
TIME – Dates (D Mon) – Every generic date of the month, for each of the 12 months of the generic Gregorian Calendar year as abbreviated text and number – 365 tags from ‘Jan 1’ to ‘Dec 31’.
TIME – Days – Of the Year (DNNN) – The seqential number of the day in the generic calendar year – 365 tags from eg. ‘D001’ to ‘D365’ (366 if it’s a leap year).
TIME – Days – YYYY (DNNN-YYYY) – The seqential number of the day in the specific calendar year – 365 tags from eg. ‘D001-2019’ to ‘D365-2019’ (366 if it’s a leap year).
TIME – Days – Of the Week (Day) – The days of the week abbreviated to the first 3 letters – 7 tags from ‘Mon’ to ‘Sun’.
i) The tags in this group are used to control the shading of ‘working’ and ‘weekend’ day branches by a Smart Rule in MindManager (a unique MindManager feature). ‘Weekend Days’ are set to be topics tagged as ‘Sat’ and ‘Sun’ by default but these can be changed within MindManager.
For this map we have created more groups of tags than are assigned to the branches…
These will be specific to the user as to whether they want to include them, and which ones go where. Thus they have not been assigned to seed branches but they are available in the index marker pane of the map for MindManager users to use in this (or any other) map. They will not be visible in the HTML version.
TIME – Days – YYYY/YY (DNNN-YYYY/YY) – The seqential number of the days of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map – 2 groups of 365 tags from eg. ‘D001-2018/19’ to ‘D356-2018/19’ (366 if it’s a leap year).
TIME – Days – Type – The type of day with respect to work & lifestyle. 3 tags in all…
i) Day branches are not tagged with ‘type’ as they are very subjective to the user and the society in which they live and work.
General Note(s)
i) The names of the marker tag groups are prefixed acccording to the ‘type’ of marker tags they contain…
ii) Within MindManager, tags…
Attached Hyperlinks: Various – See next section for full details
Specific Day of the Specific Year Seed Branch
One of our philosophies at KnowledgeMappers is not to reinvent the wheel. whenever possible. Thus we include hyperlinks to original official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge sources whenever possible, as well as links to Wikipedia pages for additional, “bigger picture” context (often not obvious, or even absent from, the original source). By doing this…
The following knowledge resource links are attached to this seed branch (arranged in alphabetical order within the groupings)…
Internal Navigation Links
Internal Navigation Links: Month parent branch – Each day of the month sub-branch has an internal hyperlink back to the parent month branch, so you can quickly jump ‘back up’ the map.
i) The Month branch also has internal hyperlinks to each day of that month sub-branch, which provides a means of quickly navigating to you can quickly jump back and forth between days.
ii) The ‘Dates’ and ‘Months’ index marker tags used throughout the map branches provide another means of quick internal navigation.
General Knowledge Resource Links
On This Day: Generic Day List – With over 215,000 entries On This Day is the world’s largest ‘on this day in history’ website.
Wikipedia: Worldwide Current Events Portal For The Generic Day – Encyclopedia article on Wikipedia ‘Current Events’ portal for the generic day of the month e.g. ‘1 May’.
Wikipedia: Worldwide Current Events Portal For The Specific Day – Encyclopedia article on Wikipedia ‘Current Events’ portal for the specific date e.g. ‘1 May 2019’.
General Note(s)
i) MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This…
ii) The chain icon at the end of a branch (rather than the favicon (logo icon) served by the linked-to website) indicates where a branch has more than one hyperlink.
Recurring Publicly Significant Event Seed Branch
MindManager provides an unparalleled range of ‘information cartography’ functionality that enables contextual knowledge to be embedded and attached to map branches in multiple ways…
Image: Event Icon
Most events have an associated icon image – ‘national days’ have the country’s flag, official UN Observances have the UN flag, religeous observances have a bespoke icon for the religeon. Other types of events don’t have one.
i) Each event icons was originally is a 24 x 24 pixel PNG file, optimised to minimize the file size.
Text: Event Title & Type
Richly formatted text string of the name by which the event is commonly known in bold and some basic information on the ‘type’ of event it is in smaller, normal font below. The ‘type’ is one (or sometimes more) of the following…
i) Our general calendars record events that occur regularly, usually once a year. An asterisk (*) after the name indicates the event does not occur on the same date each year eg. 3rd monday in May.
ii) For ‘national day’ events the full ISO3166-1 codes are included for completeness e.g. Grenada (GD – GRD – 308).
iii) There is a balance between some additional information to help the user place the event in context, and overloading the branch with too much information that visually overwhelms the user.
iv) More contextual information about the event is provided by index marker tags.
Attached Note: Event description
This provides brief contextual knowledge about the event around it’s timing and significance, which will probably be adapted from a Wikipedia article (which will be linked to). Timing can be…
i) Further information about the event will be found on the attached hyperlinks to the free, online public domain knowledge resources about them. Further information about the occurrence of the event in terms of more culturally relevant calendars can usually be found on the Wikipedia page.
Index Marker Tags & Groups: Various
Arranged in groups and attached to branches as required, index marker tags…
The inder marker tags attached to this seed topic are from the following groups…
EVENTS – Date Fix – How the date of the event is fixed. Is it always on a specific date (eg. ‘May Day’ is aways on May 1st), or does it vary relative to the calendar month (eg. the ‘May Day Pubic Holiday’ in the UK is on ‘the first monday in May’, whatever date that is) or the lunar cycle? 3 tags – Fixed, Variable (Calendar) and Variable (Lunar).
EVENTS – Astronomical – Predicatably recurring significant events in the annual machinations of Planet Earth that are beyond our control, but nonetheless have influence over all our societies…
EVENTS – International – Internationally significant public events of the following ‘types’…
i) Events can have more than one of these tags.
EVENTS – National Days – The day on which an ISO3166-1 designated country publicly celebrates it’s nationhood may be the date of independence, of becoming a republic, or a significant date for a patron saint or a ruler (such as a birthday, accession, or removal). The national day is often a public holiday. Many countries celebrate more than one national day, whilst a small number don’t celebrate any. By linking through to Wikipedia articles about the country (and the public holidays if available) we want to celebrate the range of national cultures withinyour circle of family, friends and colleagues. In these days of globalisation us citizens of the world have never mixed together as friends, neighbours, colleagues & lovers to the extent we do now, so anything that increases our mutual understanding of where we’ve all come from and where (and when) we all want to go next, can only be welcomed. – 249 tags (one for each ISO3166-1 country).
i) There are a handful of non-sovereign countries for which no ‘national days’ could be found.
ii) Sometimes the CIA factbook listed several ‘national days’ so after further research we made an executive decision which one to list.
Wikipedia often, but not always, has an article on the national day itself. This is linked to if it could be found.
iii) Wikipedia usually has an article (or section of article) listing public holidays for each country. This is also linked to on the branch if it could be found.
EVENTS – GEO – UN Geoscheme – Devised by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the UN Geoscheme divides the countries of the world into ‘standard’ regional (‘continental’) and sub-regional (‘sub-continental’) groups, with standard names and numeric codes:-
By using tags from this group in conjunction with those from ‘EVENTS -GEO-ISO3166-1′ the map can be’ geo-filtered’ to show only events from particlar ‘places’.
i) Users should be aware that as far as the United Nations Statistics Division classification of international regions and sub-regions is concerned, “the assignment of countries or areas to specific groupings is for statistical convenience and does not imply any assumption regarding political or other affiliation of countries or territories”. As such it can sometimes be counter-intuitive eg. Cyprus (CP – CYP – 196) is classified as being part of Western Asia, not Europe, whilst the Russian Federation (RU – RUS – 643) is part of Eastern Europe, not Asia.
EVENTS – GEO – ISO3166-1 – ISO3166: Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions comes in 3 parts…
By using tags from this group in conjunction with those from ‘EVENTS -GEO-UN Geoscheme’ the map can be’ geo-filtered’ to show only events from particlar ‘places’. This group can also apply to international events that have a national focus eg. Chinese New Year. – 249 tags (one for each ISO3166-1 country).
i) Updates to ISO 3166-1 are posted in official newsletters on the ISO3166 website. Note that updates occur very infrequently (there’s also a handy update history here).
ii) Although many countries on the ISO3166-1 list are Dependent States & Territories, it does not include all dependent territories and possessions of a particular Sovereign State ie. a dependent territory is not automatically classed as a separate country.
iii) Similarly the ISO3166-1 list does include some Countries whose status as a Sovereign State is in dispute eg. the short name of the Republic of China (TW – TWN – 158) is listed as “Taiwan, Province of China”, but not all de-facto states eg. Transdniestrian Moldovan Republic “Transnistria” (a de facto independent state inside Moldova).
iv) The ‘Short Name’ listed on the ISO3166-1 webpage is sometimes actually the long name. Sometimes this is to minimise confusion between States with similar names eg. the official short name listed for the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville (CG – COG – 178) is “Congo” whilst that for The Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD – COD – 180) is “Congo, The Democratic Republic of the”. In other instances however there is no obvious reason eg. Islamic Republic of Iran (IR – IRN – 364) is listed as “Iran, Islamic Republic of “, rather than simply “Iran”, or Syrian Arab Republic (SY – SYR – 760) listed as “Syrian Arab Republic”, rather than simply “Syria”, which are the official short names cited in other sources eg. Wikipedia list of countries. Note also that sometimes the official long name is the same as the short name.
EVENTS – GB – Annually recurring events of national public significance specifically in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 3 tags – General Civil, National Patron Saints Day and Public Holidays.
EVENTS – GEO – ISO3166-2-GB – Official codes for the sub-national divisions of the United Kingdom, which is quite a complex entity in terms of geographies. As well as the 4 individual ‘home nations’ they are also combined in different ways. 7 tags – United Kingdom (GB-UKM), Great Britain (GB-GBN), England (GB-ENG), England and Wales (GB-EAW), Northern Ireland (GB-NIR), Scotland (GB-SCT) and Wales (GB-WLS).
i) Each of the 4 home nations has further subdivisions as part of ISO 3166-2-GB but these are not included in the group as they are not relevant in the context of ‘geo-tagging’ of ‘national’ events…
i) The names of the marker tag groups are prefixed acccording to the ‘type’ of marker tags they contain..
ii) Within MindManager, tags…
Attached Hyperlinks: Various – See next section for full details
Specific Day of the Specific Year Seed Branch
One of our philosophies at KnowledgeMappers is not to reinvent the wheel. whenever possible. Thus we include hyperlinks to original official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge sources whenever possible, as well as links to Wikipedia pages for additional, “bigger picture” context (often not obvious, or even absent from, the original source). By doing this…
The following knowledge resource links are attached to this seed branch (arranged in alphabetical order within the groupings)…
International Civil / Awareness Day / Religeous Observance Knowledge Resource Links
Official ‘Day’ Website – Many (but by no means all) awareness days at the international level have an associated website as their main purpose is often to campaign for some sort of social change. The Other types of events usually do not have an ‘official’ website.
Wikipedia: International Day – Just about all international days will have a main article about them on Wikipedia (or perhaps at least a sub-section within another article, often about the sponsoring organisation). As usual with Wikipedia articles there may be some additional knowledge and external links to other resources that may not be on the ‘official’ website. For astronomical events there will only be a link to the Wikipedia article about it.
National Days Knowledge Resource Links
i) MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This…
The chain icon at the end of a branch (rather than the favicon (logo icon) served by the linked-to website) indicates where a branch has more than one hyperlink.
Knowledge seed branches provide a ‘base level’ of contextual knowledge about the subject embedded within, or attached to, them in the form of…
All the seed branches and their associated embedded / attached contextual knowledge elements used in this map are described in detail below…
Recurring Significant International Public Events Knowledge Resource Link Collection
This collection contains multiple links to official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ knolwedge resources about 500+ annually recurring events that will be of public significance no matter where you are in this ‘globalised world’…
Astronomical Events – Predicatably recurring significant events in the annual machinations of Planet Earth that are beyond our control, but nonetheless have influence over all our societies…
Moon Phases – The phases of the moon recurring each lunar month. 4 phases marked…
New Moon
First Quarter Moon,
Full Moon
Third Quarter Moon.
Equinoxes – The point when the equatorial plane of Planet Earth is exactly parallel with that of the Sun, as the rataional axis of the planet prcesses in it’s own annual cycle. 2 equinoxes in March & September.
Solstices – When the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly point on the horizon during the same process. This marks the beginning of the end of summer or winter depending on the hemisphere you are on. 2 solstices in June & December.
Awareness Days – These are officially organised by persons or organisations for the purposes of celebration, education and action. Celebration of past achievements in a particular area of human endeavour, education about problems and barriers that still exist in the world, and the action needed to be taken by everybody to tackle them. We have filed these under the following (not necessarily mutually exclusive) catagories…
General Civil Observances – A ‘catch all’ category of events that are generally observed in a society each year. Some may be ‘officially’ designated by the church or state, whilst the origins of others may be more obscure. Whatever, their observance is part of the civic year. Some may be observed in public on the streets with parties and a sense of ‘joi de vivre’, whilst others it is just at home with family & friends.
Religeous Observances – Major religeous festivals are often public holidays in countries where the religeon is significant. Even when it isn’t, they will be significant in the lives of your friends and colleagues who practice it. The major observances of the following religeons are included in our calendar maps…
Christianity (‘Eastern’)
Christianity (‘Western’)
i) In some religeons the observance begins at sunset on the previous day.
ii) In many religeous observances the date is determined by astronomical factors as well as scripture eg. the first full moon after such and such a date.
United Nations Official Observances – The UN has designated days, weeks, years, and decades for observance to promote international awareness on significant issues and provide a springboard for awareness-raising actions by the organizations & offices of the UN system, governments, civil society, the public and private sectors, schools, universities and just general citizens around the world.
‘National Day’ of ISO3166-1 Country of the World – The day on which an ISO3166-1 designated country publicly celebrates it’s nationhood. It may be the date of independence, of becoming a republic, or a significant date for a patron saint or a ruler (such as a birthday, accession, or removal). The national day is often a public holiday. Many countries celebrate more than one national day, whilst a small number don’t celebrate any. By linking through to Wikipedia articles about the country (and the public holidays if available) we want to celebrate the range of national cultures withinyour circle of family, friends and colleagues. In these days of globalisation us citizens of the world have never mixed together as friends, neighbours, colleagues & lovers to the extent we do now, so anything that increases our mutual understanding of where we’ve all come from and where (and when) we all want to go next, can only be welcomed
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Groundbreaking Geographic & Knowledge Mapping Products & Services that visually connect individuals, teams, organisations & communities with what they need to know… so that they can do what they need to do… quicker, easier and with a lot less stress :-)
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