Map Store

We’re currently rebuilding our knowledge map store and upgrading the contents to take advantage of advances in MindManager capabilities. Knowledge maps in each category / sub-category will appear in due course.

Map Store

Map Store

Welcome to our digital download knowledge map store. Here you will find unique knowledge portal maps of geographic spaces and time spaces that will help you – and the teams, organisations and communities of which you are part – discover and access the official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources you need to gain a better insight into your world, and do what you need to do to move forward quicker, easier and with a lot less stress 😉

By combining our unique range of  data / information / knowledge hunting & cartographic expertise with MindManager’s many unique capabilities, we are able to…

Map any sort of ‘knowledge space’
By capturing the ‘things’ that make up any ‘space’ of human interest and endeavour – be it physical, virtual, conceptual or whatever – as branches in a MindManager ‘tree diagram’ map, we create a digital, visually structured, knowledge framework that not only records what entities make up ‘the space’, but also the hierachical relationships between them.

Map knowledge resources about the space
By attaching (often multiple) hyperlinks to public domain knowledge resources about the entities to their branch in the map – be they official, definitive or just plain old useful – they become both more easily discoverable within the ‘bigger picture’ context of the whole map, and more easily accessible as they are never more than a couple of mouse clicks away! No more scrolling through endless search results (assuming you know what to look for in the first place of course).

Incorporate contextual knowledge
Using MindManager’s many unique ‘information cartography’ features some of the core information contained in the linked resources can be embedded within, or attached to, the map branches – such as images of ‘traditional’ geographic maps (eg. location maps) or basic geo-statistical data like size and population – creating ‘knowledge seed branches’ that both act as mini knowledge portals in their own right and negate the need to consult the resources for basic information.

As far as we are aware we are the only company in the world creating and publishing public domain knowledge maps in this way, as well as offering a ‘done for you’ service for clients, as well as training & consultancy services to help them do it for themselves.

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Map Categories

Browse our knowledge map categories below. New to our ground-breaking knowledge maps? Find out all about what they are, how to use them and the benefits they bring, in our map guide.

Knowledge Map Guide

New to our ground-breaking knowledge maps? Find out all about what they are, how to use them and the benefits they bring, in our map guide below. Please contact us directly if you still need more information…

By combining our unique range of  data / information / knowledge hunting & cartographic expertise with MindManager’s many unique capabilities, we are able to…

  • Map any sort of ‘knowledge space’ – By capturing the ‘things’ that make up any ‘space’ of human interest and endeavour – be it physical, virtual, conceptual or whatever – as branches in a MindManager ‘tree diagram’ map, we create a digital, visually structured, knowledge framework that not only records what entities make up ‘the space’, but also the hierachical relationships between them.
  • Map knowledge resources about the space – By attaching (often multiple) hyperlinks to public domain knowledge resources about the entities to their branch in the map – be they official, definitive or just plain old useful – they become both more easily discoverable within the ‘bigger picture’ context of the whole map, and more easily accessible as they are never more than a couple of mouse clicks away! No more scrolling through endless search results (assuming you know what to look for in the first place of course).
  • Incorporate contextual knowledge – Using MindManager’s many unique ‘information cartography’ features some of the core information contained in the linked resources can be embedded within, or attached to, the map branches – such as images of ‘traditional’ geographic maps (eg. location maps) or basic geo-statistical data like size and population – creating ‘knowledge seed branches’ that both act as mini knowledge portals in their own right and negate the need to consult the resources for basic information.

Knowledge Map Testimonials

What users have been saying about our knowledge maps…

Featured Knowledge Map

Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas

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Are you all sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…

Our Countries of the World – General & Geographic Atlas builds on the knowledge framework provided by our ISO3166-1 Countries Of The World – Base Atlas through the addition of collections of sub-branches off of the country seed branch, each with a single hyperlink to official / definitive / plain old useful General or Geographic knowledge resources about it found in the public domian…

General Knowledge Resource Link Collection – This includes the country’s page(s) for BBC News, CIA World Fact Book & World Leaders & Cabinet Members Directory, ISO Online Portal, Wikipedia Category & Main Article, Portal & Outline, and those produced by the United Nations Staistics Division.

Geographic Knowledge Resource Link Collection – This includes online mapping services like Google Maps and Open Street Map (with a summary of all available services on GeoHack), static map libraries from the United Nations Geospatial Division & agencies (eg. UNITAR) and WikiMedia Commons Atlas of the World, as well as the Wikipedia Geography Sub-Category & Main Article.

A selection of the most fundamental / useful of these general & geographic links (ie. not all) are the ones that have been attached to the country seed branches themselves to create – alongside those for the UN defined Macro Geographical (Continental) Regions And Sub-Regions – the ‘bigger picture’ visual framework that is the atlas basemap for all our ‘countries of the world’ knowledg maps.

This map is the ideal starting point for ‘thumb & brain friendly’ desktop (or even ‘in the field’) research for anyone with an interest in specific countries of the world.

MindManager Users – As with all our maps, the MindManager (.mmap) version of this map is also both a base map to add your own content to, or a source of content that can be added to your own existing maps.

Explore the other tabs for comprehensive descriptions of the knowledge seed branches and knowledge link collections that make up this knowledge atlas map….

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COMING SOON - View a sample of this HTML knowledge map as a stand-alone webpage in a new browser tab - it may take a few seconds to load, please be patient 🙂


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