Categories - Listed Individually

Knowledge maps pertaining to the regions, sub-regions and countries of the world - what they are, with attached, multiple, deep hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful public domain knowledge resources about them.
Time-related maps, including templates for calendars with or without significant international / national diary dates, to help you keep track of, and manage, your time better.
Science & Technology
Knowledge maps pertaining to things Science & Technology

Categories - Single Listing Of All

Time-related maps, including templates for calendars with or without significant international / national diary dates, to help you keep track of, and manage, your time better.
Knowledge maps pertaining to the regions, sub-regions and countries of the world - what they are, with attached, multiple, deep hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful public domain knowledge resources about them.
Science & Technology
Knowledge maps pertaining to things Science & Technology
Arts, Culture & Tourism
Knowledge maps pertaiing to Arts, Culture & Tourism.
Education & Skills
Education & Skills
Environmant & Natural Heritage
Environmant & Natural Heritage
Governance & Politics
Governance & Politics
Health & Well Being
Health & Well Being
Industry & Commerce
Industry & Commerce
Physical Infrastructure
Physical Infrastructure
Sport & Leisure
Sport & Leisure
All Calendar Maps, of all types, for all years currently in our catalogue.
All Generic Calendar Maps currently in our catalogue.
All Base Annual Calendar Maps for all years currently in our catalogue.
The Base Annual Calendar Map for the current year, and all multi-map bundles of which it is part.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps in our catalogue from this year onwards.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps in our catalogue from this year backwards.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps for the remainder of this decade in our catalogue.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps from the start of this decade until this year.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps from the 2000s and a 'whole decade' bundle.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps from the 2010s and a 'whole decade' bundle.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps from the 2020s and a 'whole decade' bundle.
All single Base Annual Calendar Maps from the 2030s and a 'whole decade' bundle.

Single Category + Single Listing Of All Products - Style #1

Knowledge maps pertaining to the regions, sub-regions and countries of the world - what they are, with attached, multiple, deep hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful public domain knowledge resources about them.
Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99
Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** As per the Base Atlas plus collections of sub-branches with single links to official / definitive / plain old useful General and Geographic knowledge resources about each ISO3166-1 country of the world. (Published Nov 2021)
Price: £999.99
Countries Of The World - International Travellers Knowledge Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Similar to the General Atlas but with a single sub-branch collection of links to official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources for international travellers to each ISO3166-1 country of the world.
Price: £999.99
Countries Of The World - International Trade, Aid & Development Knowledge Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Similar to the General Atlas but with a single sub-branch collection of links to official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources about international trade, aid & development in each ISO3166-1 country of the world.
Price: £999.99
Countries Of The World - International Travellers Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** As per the International Travellers Atlas but with an additional sub-collection of links to official knowledge resources created specifically for GB (United Kingdom) citizens / organisations.
Price: £999.99
Countries Of The World - International Trade, Aid & Development Knowledge Atlas (GB Edition)
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** As per the International Trade, Aid & Development Atlas but with an additional sub-collection of links to official knowledge resources created specifically for GB (United Kingdom) citizens / organisations.
Price: £999.99

Product - Single Listing

Style #1

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99

Style #2

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021

Style #3

Style #4

Style #5

**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99

Style #6

Style #7

If you wanted to show a very simple and plain product display with name, price and the purchase button then this template will come in handy. This display can be useful for users selling mp3/music/audio files too.

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
Price: £999.99

You need to have the Audio Player Plugin installed to use this shortcode

Style #8

This display template is useful for audio/music/mp3 file sellers.

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas

You need to have the Audio Player Plugin installed to use this shortcode

Style #9

If you don’t specify a description for a product then this display will become a very compact one with just name, price and a buy button.

Price: £999.99
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021

Style #10

Fancy10 is a lot similar to the popular Fancy1 display except it has a section to show the additional images below the main thumbnail. The images will show in a lightbox when clicked. The default Add to Cart button has a nice elegant style too. You can still use a custom button image for the “Add to Cart” button just like any other displays.

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99

Style #12

This one is just like fancy 8 template but it uses our compact audio player plugin for the audio file preview. Below is an example of how this display template looks like:

Error! You need to install the compact audio player plugin to use this product display template.

Style #13

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021

Style #14

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
Countries Of The World - Base Atlas

Style #15

This is a very compact product display template that only has the product thumbnail image and the product name. This display template can be very helpful when you want to show a product on your sidebar or footer area (where you don’t have a lot of space). If you fill out the “Product details page” field of the product then the name will be linked to that page.

Here is an example of how it looks like when you stack a few products using this display template on your sidebar:

Style #16

This template doesn’t use any product image thumbnail in the template. So this one should be good for users who don’t want to use an image for their product(s).

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99

Style #17

This template uses just the thumbnail image, product name and the add to cart button. It it good for using in a grid display layout.

Style #18

This template uses a vertical/portrait thumbnail size so it will be useful if you use a vertical image for your product.

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99

Product - Single Listing - Style #1

Countries Of The World - Base Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of UN Macro Geographic Regions & Sub-regions and ISO3166-1 Countries of the World that is the base for all our global atlas maps. Published Nov 2021
Price: £999.99
Countries Of The World - General & Geographic Knowledge Atlas
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** As per the Base Atlas plus collections of sub-branches with single links to official / definitive / plain old useful General and Geographic knowledge resources about each ISO3166-1 country of the world. (Published Nov 2021)
Price: £999.99

Shopping Cart

Style - Default

Display the default style shopping cart on a
post, page or sidebar text widget.

Your cart is empty
Visit The Shop

Style - Default but hidden if empty

Display the default shopping cart but it will be
visible only when there are items in the cart.

Style - Fancy #1

Display the shopping cart using a fancy
display. (this is the shopping cart display used
on tips and tricks HQ’s checkout page).

Your cart is empty
Visit The Shop

Style - Fancy #1 but hidden if empty

Display the Fancy 1 shopping cart but visible
only when there are items in the cart.

Style - Fancy #2

Display the shopping cart using a fancy
display. (this is the shopping cart display used
on tips and tricks HQ’s checkout page).

Your cart is empty
Visit The Shop

Order Summary

Display a summarized list of all the items that
are in the shopping cart.

Your cart is empty
Visit The Shop

Style - Multiple Parameters

You can display the compact cart with a few variations with this shortcode. The following parameters can be set to 0 to turn it off:

Parameters you can modify in this shortcode.

  • show_empty: Show the cart even when it’s empty
  • show_sub_total: Show the subtotal amount
  • show_title: Show the cart title
  • show_cart_image: Show the shopping cart image
Your cart is empty
Visit The Shop

Compact Cart - Default Style

Displays a compact version of the shopping cart

Compact Cart - Style #2

Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items in the cart and a link to the checkout page. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.

Cart is empty (0)

Compact Cart - Style #3

Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items and the dollar amount in the cart and a link to the checkout page. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.
Your sidebar must be wider than 240px for this cart to fit.

Cart is empty £0.00

Compact Cart - Style #4

Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items and the dollar amount in the cart and a link to the checkout page. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.
Your sidebar must be wider than 240px for this cart to fit

Cart is empty £0.00

Compact Cart - Style #5

Displays a compact version of the shopping cart with just the number of items. Good for using on the sidebar of your site.

Cart - With thumbnails

Display the shopping cart with thumbnail images of the products

Your cart is empty
Visit The Shop

Cart - Number of items

Display the number of items in the shopping cart