Knowledge Mappers is a digital mapping consultancy & publishing company with a unique mix of geographic & knowledge mapping expertise. Our ground-breaking products & services visually connect individuals, teams, organisations & communities with the knowledge resources that they need… to do what they need to do… quicker, easier, and with a lot less stress :-)
Professionally crafted & curated knowledge maps of real world & conceptual ‘spaces’ of human interest & endeavour. Like all maps, they are visually structured registers of the ‘things’ that define the ‘space’, and the ‘spatial’ relationships between them. But they are also registers of – and portals to – official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ knowledge resources about those ‘things’ available in the public domain. Maps can be downloaded in both original MindManager (.mmap) and HTML5 format, and so can be viewed in any browser, on any device, without the need for adtitonal plugins.
The School Travel Health Check (STHC) Spatial Analysis Service is an example of a GI consultancy project for one local authority in 2004 that soon “grew arms and legs” to become a ground-breaking, nationally available service. It provides high quality, spatial intelligence to local authorities, school communities and other stakeholders interested in how children travel to school, from where, and how far they travel to get there.
Map Branches
Hyperlinks to Relevant Knowledge Resources
Generic Months of the Generic Year
Generic Days of the Generic Year
Generic Calendar Maps can be used for any year. The visual frameworak is formed by main branches for each of the 12 generic months of the Gregorian (‘Western’) calendar year (eg. ‘January’), with sub-branches for each day of the month (eg. ‘Jan 1’), all with unique text and icon graphic as well as attached links to knowledge resources about it (eg. the Wikipedia chronicle portal page for ‘Jan 1‘). The month branches also have a ‘traditional’ monthly calendar grid (spreadsheet) embedded within them to enable you to quickly plan the year ahead.
MindManager Users: As well as ‘full featured viewing and interactive querying & filtering, you are free to edit, add to, adapt and/or re-purpose this map in whole or in part, and/or use it as a source of content that can be added to your own existing maps. For example…
We take full advantage of MindManager’s many unique ‘information cartography’ features when creating our unique maps so we can pack in 1000’s of ‘bits’ of knowledge into a single, visually structured, intuitive to navigate document that can be easily shared. Here are the main features of this Base Annual Calendar Map …
MindManager maps can have 1000’s of branches without affecting the map ‘performance’ when viewed, either in MindManager software, or in a browser (the exported HTML version). Thus mapping 12 months + 365 days of the year is ‘ a skoosh‘ (as we say in Scotland ;-), with plenty of spare capacity for users to add their own content.
The biggest knowledge map we have created so far has 20,000+ branches – enough for us to knowledge map the solar system [INSERT LINK] and all the Countries of the World – so we can be fairly confident that we can map all the ‘things’ in a knowledge space before we start!
The main map branches are physically arranged in an ‘organisation map & vertical tree’ (‘Org-Tre’) layout to form a familiar calendar ‘grid’ of months and days. This…
In terms of logical layout, by default the 1st column in our annual calendar maps is for the month of January, but MindManager users are free to re-arrange and ‘mix and match’ content from other maps to build their own ‘business year ‘calendar as required.
Knowledge elements embedded within, or attached to, seed branches provide another ‘channel’ of knowlegde that adds context to the more detailed knowledge contained in the multiple official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ public domain resources linked to in the seed branch. Elements like…
When ‘core’ knowledge from those resources is incorporated into branches using these elements it reduces the need to consult them in the first place. Also some of the elements can be used to ‘conditionally format’ the map eg. colouring the branches based on a particular data value. For example identifying ‘weekend days’ in the calendar by colouring the branches with a ‘Sat’ or ‘Sun’ tag from the ‘Day of the Week’ marker group.
As well as defining the physical and logical layout of the map, the 1st level branches are also ‘knowledge seed points’ for each specific month of the specified year. They are visually rich, with a unique, embedded, specific month and year bespoke image &
textual description, as well as an
embedded monthly calendar grid showing the days of the month and days of the week (embedded spreadsheets are another of MindManager’s unique features).
The attached elements of internal navigation links to all the days of the month sub-branches,
external links to public domain resources about the generic and specific month and happenings thereon, and
index marker tags that enable dynamic ‘temporal filtering’ of the map contents (and any other map they are incorporated in), further add to the branch’s ‘knowledge richness’.
A full description of all the knowledge elements embedded within, and attached to, this seed branch is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.
Likewise the 2nd level branches are ‘knowledge seed points’ for each specific day of the specified month of the specified year. They are similarly visually rich, with a unique, embedded, specific day of the week, month and year ‘double calendar’ bespoke image &
‘rich’ (ie. variably formatted) textual description. They are also
coloured differently if they are ‘working week’ or ‘weekend’ days (controlled by a ‘Smart Rule’ involving the ‘Day of the Week’ tag, so easily re-definable by MindManager users).
The attached elements of internal links to the ‘parent’ month branch,
external links to public domain resources about the generic and specific date and happenings thereon, and
index marker tags that enable dynamic ‘temporal filtering’ of the map contents (and any other map they are incorporated in), further add to the branch’s ‘knowledge richness’.
A full description of all the knowledge elements embedded within, and attached to, this seed branch is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.
Multiple hyperlinks to definitive / official / ‘plain old useful’ knowledge resources available in the public domain about the subject attached to seed branches is another key feature of our knowledge maps. The ‘user definable link text’ (another unque MindManager feature) allows us to give clarity as to the resource being linked to (which can be very variable if left to the default text provided by the website).
As well as increasing the amount of knowledge that can be ‘squeezed’ into a map without increasing the ‘visual clutter’ of additional branches, it means these links can be retained if the seed branches are used in other maps, or this map is re-purposed.
The full list of multiple knowledge resource hyperlinks attached to all the seed topics in this map is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.
Branches in the map may be tagged with one or more ‘index markers’ from one or more ‘marker groups’. These enable intelligent map filtering and quick navigation. The prefix to the tag group name indicates the subject nature of the tags. For example the ‘TIME’ tags, as used in this map, are all temporal in nature – such as dates, days, weeks, months etc. – which gives the map in-built ‘temporal intelligence’ and the ability to be ‘time-filtered’.
Note that MindManager software users can copy and paste any of the marker groups in this map to any other map, thereby adding ‘temporal intelligence’ to them too, even if they are not time focused.
The full list of index marker tags attached to all the seed topics in this map is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.
Every map needs to have a legend that explains the cartographic structure, colours and symbology used, and our knowledge maps are no different. The ‘Map Legend’ branch describes each ‘type’ of map branch, and all the elements embedded within and attached to them, with links to further knowledge resources about the subject where necessary.
We hunt down and assess many official / definitive / ‘at least practical & useful’ online knowledge resources in the process of creating our maps. The ‘Contributing Online Knowledge-bases’ branch has links to all the ones that are actually linked to in the main map content, as well as some others that aren’t (for whatever reason) but are nonetheless a good additional source of knowledge about the subject.
It is a frustrating fact of life that some online resources are organised better than others, and not all are ‘linkable to’ at the individual ‘building block’ level and so can’t be included in seed branches.
The visual formatting of all the map elements is controlled using a combination of Map Theme, Topic Styles and Smart Rules via our structured system of topic styles. The structured system makes for easier alteration ‘on the hoof’ and therefore quicker map building.
Note MindManager software users can change the appearance of the whole map with just a few clicks eg. to match their own ‘in-house’ style & branding.
With 8,695 knowledge resource links over 2,509 branches, this map is a useful, contextual knowledge resource in it’s own right, as well as being a visually structured index of the best definitive / official / plain old useful knowledge resources available in the public domain about the political makeup of Scotland’s 1,227 Local Councillors, 354 Electoral Wards and 32 Local Councils. Thanks to MindManager’s unique capabilities it has plenty of spare capacity for further content to be added in the future.
With 8,695 knowledge resource links over 2,509 branches, this map is a useful, contextual knowledge resource in it’s own right, as well as being a visually structured index of the best definitive / official / plain old useful knowledge resources available in the public domain about the political makeup of Scotland’s 1,227 Local Councillors, 354 Electoral Wards and 32 Local Councils. Thanks to MindManager’s unique capabilities it has plenty of spare capacity for further content to be added in the future.
Knowledge seed branches are the foundation of our knowledge maps, with each seed branch representing a particular ‘building block’ (or an aspect of it) that we humans use to structure, and make sense of, the ‘real world’ we live in e.g. geographic areas and their subdivisions in our World Atlas Maps, time and it’s sub-division into manageable chunks in our Annual Calendar Maps etc. Seed branches are ‘visual knowledge rich’, with each branch having a mix of knowledge elements (most of which are unque to MindManger) embedded within it, or attached to it, that convey a ‘base level’ of core knowledge about the ‘building block’ along with links to the source knowledge resources i.e. they are mini knowledge portals in their own right.
The ‘knowledge elements’ are a mix of the following (i.e. not all elements are used in every seed branch)…
Outline Shape – The outline shape may convey knowledge about some aspect of the subject of the branch e.g. the nature of a geographic adminsitrative area’s borders with respect to the sea…
Colour – The colour of the fill / text may convey knowledge about some aspect of the subject of the branch. For example in our Political Knowledge Maps the colours associated with the main political parties are used throughout to make it easier to ‘see at a glance’ what the current situation is, such as the fill of the elected member branch being coloured by their political party, which in turn informs the fill colour of the constituency branch, which is also reflected in the cells of the embedded elections results spreadsheet table.
Image [Embedded] – Images – such as thumbnail location maps, flags, icons, people profile pictures etc. – provide a unique visual element that can quickly both convey knowledge to users and help them to navigate their way through the map. MindManager only allows a single image to be embedded within a branch, which may be sufficient for the requirements, but with a bit of forethought (and some software ‘jigery pokery’ 🙂) we can also create one that incorporates more than one visual element (e.g. a logo and a location map) so that, like the ‘rich’ branch text, more core knowledge can be ‘packed in’ to a single branch without visually overwhelming the user.
Text [Embedded] – MindManager’s unique ability to handle ‘rich’ text – i.e. text that can have variably formatted individual chatracters within a single text ‘string’ – means we can pack several different pieces of ‘core knowledge’ into the text of a single branch without it visually overwhelming the user (e.g. ‘The Name of a Geographic Area (The official Unique Identifying Code) The Type of Geographic Area’).
Note [Attached] – Contains supplementary information with all the elements of a word processed page – variably formatted (‘rich’) text, hyperlinks, tables and images.
Data Elements [Embedded] – MindManager has 2 unique ways to add contextual ‘facts & figures’ (i.e. text and number fields) to individual branches so that they are visible to the user (though only one can be used on any given branch)…
Spreadsheet Table / Chart – A branch specific spreadsheet table (i.e. not referencing cells in a spreadsheet file stored elsewhere), with all the usual spreadsheet functions (e.g. formulas), which, if the data is structured appropriately, can be toggled between ‘table’ and ‘chart’ view (though this view is ‘fixed’ when the map is exported to create the HTML version).
Multiple Single Data Fields [Embedded] – These are like single cells in a spreadsheet and multiple different fields can be attached to a branch, with the added bonus that the values in any one can be used as one of the triggers to visually format the branch using MindManager’s Smart Rules feature.
Index Marker Tags [Attached] – Arranged in groups and added to individual branches as appropriate, index marker tags add contextual knowledge, enable dynamic filtering to hide / show map content, aid internal navigation and can be used as one of the triggers to visually format the branch using MindManager’s Smart Rules feature.
Multiple Hyperlinks [Attached] – Another unique feature, multiple links to a range of official definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources about the subject of the seed branch – usually selected from the full range of general & geographic knowledge resource collections – help turn the map into a knowledge portal without adding to the visual clutter.
All the seed branches and their associated embedded / attached contextual knowledge elements used in this map are described in detail below…
Months are the top level hierarchy in any annual calendar (after the year of course), but the month knowledge seed branches in our maps provide additional contextual knowledge embedded within, and attached to, them to turbo charge your calendar use….
Specific Month Of The Specific Year Seed Branch
MindManager provides an unparalleled range of ‘information cartography’ functionality that enables contextual knowledge to be embedded and attached to map branches in multiple ways…
Image: Specific Month & Year Icon
A bespoke icon that uniquely identifies the specifc month of the specific year using a calendar image, which ccontains the specific year above the name of the month (abbreviated to the first 3 letters).
i) The icon was originally designed and created by us as a 48 x 48 pixel PNG file, optimised to minimize the file size (typically 2-3 KB).
Text: Specific Month & Year
Richly formatted text string of the specific month name in full and the year, eg. ‘January 2020’.
Embedded Spreadsheet: Specific Month Calendar Grid
An embedded spreadsheet (another unique MindManager feature) showing all the days of the specific month in terms of the 7 days of the week in a traditional calendar grid layout. The weekend days of saturday and sunday are differentiated by background shading.
i) This embedded feature can be hidden / shown by clicking the green toggle arrow just above the top right corner of the embedded feature.
ii) The contents of an embedded spreadsheet can be a simple table, or it can be numerical data. If the latter then if it is structured appropriately the data can also be viewed as a chart (the range of chart types is the same as other spreadsheet software). MindManger users are able to toggle between the spreadsheet and chart view, whilst the view is fixed on export of the HTML version.
Index Marker Tags & Groups: Various
Arranged in groups and attached to branches as required, index marker tags…
As this is a Calendar map, unsurprisingly all the tags in it are TIME tags, covering different time intervals – years, quarters, months, weeks, & days (see notes below). Other than the time interval covered, there are 2 main differences between the different tag groups….
The following tags relate to the time interval of Calendar Months, the subject nature of this Specific month of the specific year’ seed branch…
TIME – MONTHS (Mmm YYYY) – YYYY [ATTACHED] – The specific months of the specific Gregorian Calendar year as abbreviated text and year – 12 tags from eg. ‘Jan 2024’ to ‘Dec 2024’.
TIME – MONTHS (MNN-YYYY) – YYYY [ATTACHED] – The specific months of the Gregorian Calendar year as a numerical sequence – 12 tags from eg. ‘M01-2024’ to ‘M12-2024’.
**NO!** TIME – MONTHS (Mmm-YYYY/YY) – YYYY/YY [NOT ATTACHED] – The months of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map with the month in 3 letter abbreviation format eg. ‘ Jan 2023/24’ and ‘Jan 2024/25’ (2 groups of 12 tags, from ‘Jan YYYY/YY’ to ‘Dec YYYY/YY’).**
TIME – MONTHS (MNN-YYYY/YY) – YYYY/YY [NOT ATTACHED] – The months of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map with the month in numeric sequence format eg. ‘M01-2023/24’ and ‘M01-2024/25’ (2 groups of 12 tags from ‘M01-YYYY/YY’ to ‘M12-YYYY/YY’).
The following tag groups are for either for other time intervals not represented by branches in the calendar and/or they are specific to the user as to whether they want to include them, and which ones go where. Thus they have not been assigned to seed branches but they are available in the index marker pane of the map for MindManager users to use in this (or any other) map. Note they will not be visible in the HTML version.
The following tags relate to the time interval of Calendar Years…
TIME – YEARS (YYYY) – YYYY-YY [NOT ATTACHED] – The particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘2024’, plus the year either side (3 tags in all).
TIME – YEARS (YYYY/YY) – YYYY/YY [NOT ATTACHED] – The 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘2023/24’ and ‘2024/25’ (2 tags in all).
The following tags relate to the time interval of Calendar Quarters…
TIME – QUARTERS – (QN-YYYY) – YYYY [NOT ATTACHED] – The quarters of the particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘Q1-2024’ (4 tags in all from ‘Q1-YYYY’ to ‘Q4-YYYY’).
TIME – QUARTERS (QN-YYYY/YY) – YYYY/YY [NOT ATTACHED] – The quarters of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map eg. ‘ Q1-2023/24’ and ‘Q1-2024/25’ (2 groups of 4 tags from ‘Q1-YYYY/YY’ to ‘Q4-YYYY/YY’).
The following tags relate to the time interval of Calendar Weeks…
TIME – WEEKS (WNN-YYYY) – YYYY [NOT ATTACHED] – The weeks of the particular calendar year of the map with the weeks in numerical sequence format eg. ‘W01-2024’ (52 tags in all from ‘W01-YYYY’ to ‘W52-YYYY’).
TIME – WEEKS (WNN-YYYY/YY) – YYYY/YY [NOT ATTACHED] – The weeks of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map with the month in numeric sequence format eg. ‘W01-2023/24’ and ‘W01-2024/25’ (2 groups of 52 tags from ‘W01-YYYY/YY’ to ‘W52-YYYY/YY’).
General Note(s)
i) The names of the marker tag groups are prefixed acccording to the ‘type’ of marker tags they contain..
ii) Within MindManager, tags…
Multiple Hyperlinks: Multiple
See next section for full detailsof the multiple internal and external hyperlinks attached to this seed branch.
Specific Month Of The Specific Year Seed Branch
MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This greatly reduces the visual clutter of the map as extra branches are not required just to include a link, and it means a single branch can become a link hub (ie. a ‘knowledge portal’ if you will). Hyperlinks are of one of 2 types….
Internal hyperlinks to other map branches.
External hyperlinks to resources (‘URLs’) on the world wide web (or Local Ara Network (LAN) if in an enterprise setting).
See below for full descriptions of all the links under each category attached to this seed branch….
Internal Hyperlinks
Internal hyperlinks are those to other branches in the map, and they provide a quick means of internal navigation by along users to ‘jump’ from one branch to another with a single click.
The internal hyperlinks attached to this seed branch are as follows….
Days of the month sub-branches – The Month branch has internal hyperlinks to each day of that month sub-branch, which provides a means of quickly navigating to it.
i) Each day of the month sub-branch also has an internal hyperlink back to this ‘parent’ month branch, so users can quickly jump back and forth between days.
ii) Within MindManger the ‘Dates’ and ‘Months’ index marker tags used throughout the calendar map seed branches also provide another means of quick internal navigation as users can just click on the branches listed under each tag in the Index Marker Pane and the map will refocus on it.
External Hyperlinks To General Knowledge Resources
One of our philosophies at KnowledgeMappers is not to reinvent the wheel whenever possible. Thus we include external hyperlinks to original official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources in the public domain whenever possible. By doing this….
In this seed branch external links are to resources about the months of the year, both generic (eg. ‘January’) and specific (eg. January 2024). They are a mixture of…
The following knowledge resource links are attached to this seed branch…
Note that resources about specific months that are still in the future will not be populated yet, and the link may not even work (but if future you is reading this then they will 😉 ).
Days of the Year – List of ‘National Days’ in this Generic Month e.g. ‘January‘ on one of the most popular ‘Holidays on this generic day’ websites. (Note the page displays as month of the current year).
National Today – Holidays in this Generic Month (e.g. ‘January‘) as a list of all ‘holidays’ in the month by ascending date.
On This Day – What happened in this Specific Month ‘in history’ (e.g. ‘January 2024‘) as a list of all ‘events’ in the month by ascending date.
Wikipedia – Generic Month Article – Main Wikipedia article about the generic month (e.g. ‘January‘).
Wikipedia – Category: Generic Month – Wikipedia listing of subcategories and pages in the category for the generic month (e.g. ‘January‘).
Wikipedia – Category: Generic Month Events – Wikipedia listing of subcategories and pages in the category for events occuring in the generic month (e.g. ‘January Events‘).
Wikipedia – Category: Generic Month Observances – Wikipedia listing of subcategories and pages in the category for observances occuring in the generic month e.g. ‘January Observances‘.
Wikipedia – Worldwide Current Events Portal for Specific Month – Listing on the Wikipedia ‘Current Events’ portal for the specific month e.g. ‘January 2024‘.
General Note(s)
i) MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This…
ii) The chain icon at the end of a branch (rather than the favicon (logo icon) served by the linked-to website) indicates where a branch has more than one hyperlink.
iii) In the circular knowledge economy way of Wikipedia if there is knowledge that you could add to an existing page that is linked to, or even starting a page that doesn’t yet exist, then go for it! That’s what it’s all about!
Days are the 2nd level hierarchy in any annual calendar, but the day knowledge seed branches in our maps provide additional contextual knowledge embedded within them and attached to them to supercharge your calendar use…..
Specific Day of the Specific Year Seed Branch
MindManager provides an unparalleled range of ‘information cartography’ functionality that enables contextual knowledge to be embedded and attached to map branches in multiple ways…
Image: Specific Date Icon
A bespoke icon that uniquely identifies the specific day of the year using a double calendar image. The left hand calendar contains the specific year above the name of the month (abbreviated to the first 3 letters), whilst the right hand one contains the day of the week (abbreviated to the first 3 letters) above the numerical day of the month (so from 1 to 31).
i) The icon was originally designed and created by us as a 96 x 48 pixel PNG file, optimised to minimize the file size (typically 2-3 KB).
Text: Specific Date
Richly formatted text string of the specific date (year, month & day of the month) and day of the week in the format eg. ‘1 Jan 2020 Wed’. The day of the week is in normal (as opposed to bold) font, and moved to the line below, to improve ‘readbility’.
Branch Shading Colour: ‘Type’ of Day
Day branches are shaded according to the usual differentiation between days of the week – working days (mon-fri by default), and weekends (sat & sun by default).
i) Branch shading is controlled by a Smart Rule (a unique MindManager feature) triggered by the ‘TIME – Days of the week’ index marker tag – ‘Weekend Days’ are set to be topics tagged as ‘Sat’ and ‘Sun’ by default. MindManager users can easily change this rule to set weekends as any days of the week they want (and add further rules as required eg. adding their own public holidays, leave days etc.).
Index Marker Tags & Groups: Various
Arranged in groups and attached to branches as required, index marker tags…
As this is a Calendar map, unsurprisingly all the tags in it are TIME tags, covering different time intervals – years, quarters, months, weeks, & days (see notes below). Other than the time interval covered, there are 2 main differences between the different tag groups….
The following tags relate to the time interval of Calendar Dates, the subject nature of this ‘specific day of the specific month of the specific year’ seed branch…
TIME – DATES (D Mmm) – GEN – Every generic date of the month, for each of the 12 months of the generic Gregorian Calendar year as abbreviated text and number – 365 tags from ‘Jan 1’ to ‘Dec 31’.
TIME – DATES (D Mon YYYY DoW) – YYYY – Every date of the specific year in the same format as the day branch text – 365 tags from eg. ‘1 Jan 2024 Tue’ to ’31 Dec 2024 Tue’.
TIME – DATES (DD/MM/YYYY) – YYYY – Every date of the specific month, for each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar year in the most commonly used numeric format – 365 tags from eg. ’01/01/2019′ to ’31/12/2019′.
TIME – DATES (MM/DD/YYYY) – YYYY – Every date of the specific month, for each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar year in ‘Amercan’ style numeric format (ie. months first) – 365 tags from eg. ’01/01/2019′ to ’12/31/2019′.
TIME – DATES (YYYY/MM/DD) – YYYY – Every date of the specific month, for each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar year in ‘year first’ numeric format – 365 tags from eg. ’01/01/2019′ to ’31/12/2019′.
i) This format is the only one in which the chronological order of the tags in the group will ‘survive’ a numeric sorting operation (ie. arrange ‘lowest to highest’ or ‘highest to lowest’).
The following tags relate to the time interval of Calendar Dates, the subject nature of this ‘specific day of the specific month of the specific year’ seed branch…
here are lots of different ways that days in a calendar can be classified. We have also included tag groups for some of them
TIME – DAYS (DNNN) – The seqential number of the day in the generic calendar year – 365 tags from eg. ‘D001’ to ‘D365’ (366 if it’s a leap year).
TIME – DAYS (DNNN-YYYY) – YYYY – The seqential number of the day in the specific calendar year – 365 tags from eg. ‘D001-2024’ to ‘D365-2024’ (366 if it’s a leap year).
TIME – DAYS ( DoW) – GEN – The days of the week abbreviated to the first 3 letters – 7 tags from ‘Mon’ to ‘Sun’.
i) The tags in this group are used to control the shading of ‘working’ and ‘weekend’ day branches by a Smart Rule in MindManager (a unique MindManager feature). ‘Weekend Days’ are set to be topics tagged as ‘Sat’ and ‘Sun’ by default but these can be changed within MindManager.
The following tag groups are either for other time intervals not represented by branches in the calendar and/or they are specific to the user as to whether they want to include them, and which ones go where. Thus they have not been assigned to seed branches but they are available in the index marker pane of the map for MindManager users to use in this (or any other) map. Note they will not be visible in the HTML version.
TIME – Days (DNNN-YYYY/YY)- YYYY/YY – The seqential number of the days of the 2 business years straddling the particular calendar year of the map – 2 groups of 365 tags from eg. ‘D001-2018/19’ to ‘D356-2018/19’ (366 if it’s a leap year).
TIME – Days – Type – The type of day with respect to work & lifestyle. 4 tags in all…
General Note(s)
i) The names of the marker tag groups are prefixed acccording to the ‘type’ of marker tags they contain…
ii) Within MindManager, tags…
Attached Hyperlinks: Various – See next section for full detailsof the multiple internal and external hyperlinks attached to this seed branch.
Specific Day of the Specific Year Seed Branch
MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This greatly reduces the visual clutter of the map as extra branches are not required just to include a link, and it means a single branch can become a link hub (ie. a ‘knowledge portal’ if you will). Hyperlinks are of one of 2 types….
Internal hyperlinks to other map branches.
External hyperlinks to resources (‘URLs’) on the world wide web (or Local Ara Network (LAN) if in an enterprise setting).
See below for full descriptions of all the links under each category attached to this seed branch….
Internal Navigation Links
Internal hyperlinks are those to other branches in the map, and they provide a quick means of internal navigation by along users to ‘jump’ from one branch to another with a single click.
The internal hyperlinks attached to this seed branch are as follows….
Internal Navigation Links: Month parent branch – Each day of the month sub-branch has an internal hyperlink back to the parent month branch, so you can quickly jump ‘back up’ the map.
i) The Month branch also has internal hyperlinks to each day of that month sub-branch, which provides a means of quickly navigating to you can quickly jump back and forth between days.
ii) Within MindManger the ‘Dates’ and ‘Months’ index marker tags used throughout the calendar map seed branches also provide another means of quick internal navigation as users can just click on the branches listed under each tag in the Index Marker Pane and the map will refocus on it.
General Knowledge Resource Links
One of our philosophies at KnowledgeMappers is not to reinvent the wheel. whenever possible. Thus we include external hyperlinks to original official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources in the public domain whenever possible. . By doing this…
In this seed branch external links are to resources about the days of the year, both generic (eg. ‘January’) and specific (eg. January 2024). They are a mixture of…
The following knowledge resource links are attached to this seed branch…
Note that resources about specific dates that are still in the future will not be populated yet, and the link may not even work (but if future you is reading this then they will 😉 ).
Days of the Year – List of ‘National Days’ that take place on this Generic Day of the Month (e.g. ‘National days on Mon Jan 1st‘) on one of the most popular ‘Holidays on this generic day’ websites. (Note the page displays as day of the month of the current year).
National Today – List of ‘holidays’ that take place on this Generic Day of the Month (e.g. ‘January 1st Holidays‘) on another of the most popular ‘Holidays on this generic day’ websites.
On This Day – What happened on this Generic Day of the Month ‘in history’ (e.g. ‘Historical Events on January 1st‘). With over 215,000 entries, ‘On This Day’ is the world’s largest ‘on this day in history’ type website.
Time and Date – What happened on this Generic Day of the Month ‘in history’ (e.g. ‘On this day in history – January 1‘). It is less comprehensive than other ‘on this day in history’ websites, however it has many other great time-related functional features.
Wikipedia – Generic Day of the Year article – Main Wikipedia article about the generic day of the year / month (e.g. ‘January 1‘), which mostly consists of lists of Events, Births, Deaths and Observances .
Wikipedia – Worldwide Current Events Portal For The Specific Day – Listing on the Wikipedia ‘Current Events’ portal for the specific date e.g. ‘1 January 2024‘.
General Note(s)
i) MindManager has the unique ability to have multiple hyperlinks attached to a single map branch, and to edit the default title text of the link to make it more meaningful to the user. This…
ii) The chain icon at the end of a branch (rather than the favicon (logo icon) served by the linked-to website) indicates where a branch has more than one hyperlink.
Hyperlinks to official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ knowledge resources found in the public domain is one of the main focus of our knowledge maps. Links are added to our maps in 2 ways…
Multiple Hyperlinks Attached To Seed Branches – MindManager has the unique ability to attach multiple hyperlinks to a single map branch. This means that…
The multiple hyperlinks attached to the different types of knowledge seed branches in this map are already detailed in the ‘Seed Branches’ tab.
Knowledge Link Sub-Branch Collections – Sub-branches – each with a single attached hyperlink to an external knowledge resource – are grouped into related collections, such as ‘General Knowledge Resources’ or ‘Geographic Knowledge Resources’. This makes for easier, more ‘thumb friendly’ browsing & discovery of knowledge resources, which helps in more intensive activities like prolonged desktop research.
The knowledge link sub-branch collections in this map are detailed below…
As a generic map there are no sub-branch collections of single links to knowledge resources. There are however selected multiple links on seed branches.
Title: Countries Of The World – International Travellers Knowledge Atlas
File Name: Countries_ISO3166-1_Atlas_Oct21
File Sizes: ?? MB (.mmap); ?? MB (.html)
Author: Knowledge Mappers Ltd.
Map Store URL:
Number of Branches (‘Topics’): ??? (??? Leap Year)
Number of Hyperlinks: ??? (??? Leap Year)
Number of Index Marger Tag Groups: ????
Number of Idividual Index Marger Tags: ????
Publication Date(s): October 2024 (latest), October 2020, February 2019, January 2017, June 2007, January 2006
Language: English (UK)
Nationality: n/a
Geographic Level: Global – National
Time Base: Gregorian Calendar
Layout: Organisation Tree (ORG-TRE) map
Map Theme: Countries Atlas (v6)
Created Using: MindManager 2024
Information Sources: CIA, UN, Wikipedia, Ma ain heid!
Aim to have maps for next 5 years available to download.
Mix and match years.
We make our knowledge maps available to download in 2 file formats…
MindManager (.mmap) format for full featured viewing, amending and adapting using MindManager software. These can be imported into other ‘mindmapping’ software applications, but with caveats.
HTML5 (.html) versions of our maps (published using MindManager’s unique HTML export feature) can be viewed by anybody, in any modern web browser software, on any digital device, without the need for any software plugins, as stand-alone files or embedded in web pages, on(or off)-line (once dowloaded). Note these are interactive, but view only files.
Download links to both the HTML (static) version and original MindManager (.mmap) will be emailed to you upon completion of transaction.
Links will be valid for 24 hours.
Don’t see te year that you want? Get in touch and we can create it for you.
We aim to have Base Calendar Maps available for at least the next 10 years beyond the current year, which leads to a variety of buying options, with a variety of savings to be made over the unit cost of a calendar map for a single year.
You can buy the base calendar map for the current year on it’s own or bundled with up to the next 10 years below. If you are looking for other years you can browse the full list of all base calendar maps…
Obviously the main focus on calendars as a tool is in planning for the immediate, medium and long term future. So it is our aim to always have Base Calendar Maps available for at least the next 10 years beyond the current year, available to buy in a variety of bundle options to reflect those short, medium and long term planning horizons, with a range of savings to be made over the unit cost of a calendar map for a single year.
This is some text….
This is some text….
This is some text….
We aim to have Base Calendar Maps available for at least the next 10 years beyond the current year, which leads to a variety of buying options, with a variety of savings to be made over the unit cost of a calendar map for a single year.
This is some text….
There are no products in this category.
This is some text….
There are no products in this category.
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Groundbreaking Geographic & Knowledge Mapping Products & Services that visually connect individuals, teams, organisations & communities with what they need to know… so that they can do what they need to do… quicker, easier and with a lot less stress :-)
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